SUPPS - the party with a purpose
What’s Up With Supps, commonly referred to as SUPPS, is an event that was created to be the catalyst for making connections within the Health & Nutrition industry to promote unity, growth and innovation through networking, mentorship, and professional development activities.
SUPPS events started out as simple happy hours in major cities for like minds to get together, discuss a little business and have fun. It has expanded into an industry staple linked to major trade shows or events that gives back to the nutritional community in several ways.
SUPPS events always have a creative theme; Dark Circus, Superheroes and Supervillains, 007 Casino Dress to Kill…
Companies can support the event by donating merchandise for the silent auction, including promotional items in the swag bags or monetarily for larger promotional recognition. Additional marketing and recognition includes LinkedIn posts, eblasts and shout outs during the event for sponsors.
Mibelle Biochemistry was excited to provide sports bottles to be included in the swag bags for the Dark Circus event which closed out the 2023 Supplyside West show.
Each purchased ticket provides an evening of live entertainment that coordinates with the theme, small bites, drinks, music, the silent auction and prizes presented for best costume in a variety of categories.
A portion of the proceeds for ticket sales is donated to a specific charity; Vitamin Angels, Williams-Franklin Foundation and Dr. Hector Lopez family foundation college fund, to name a few.
Attendance at a SUPPS event will not disappoint in terms of entertainment; whether it is cirque de sole type performances, larger than life circus creatures circulating through the event or glow sticks being handed out to light up the dance floor. Everyone is sure to have a great time while interacting with new connections in the industry as well as catching up with old friends.
Anticipate the unexpected and you won’t be disappointed!