The age spot solution
Delentigo™ is a cosmetic ingredient that has been designed to fight age spots and create an even skin tone. When compared to classical whitening products that generally lighten the skin, Delentigo™ delivers a targeted, stronger lightening effect on age spots than on the surrounding normally pigmented skin.
Delentigo™ combines two active substances incorporated into separate liposomes: An extract of Swiss garden cress sprouts which is rich in glucosinolates, powerful antioxidant phytonutrients, and genistein, the biologically active form of the most abundant soy isoflavone.

Cress Sprout Actives to Turn on the Master Switch in Cell Protection CosmeticsDesign 2010
How To Tackle Uneven Pigmentation HPC Today April 2010
The Non-Stop Search For Efficient Whitening Pure Health Autumn 2010
Cosmetic Actives For An Efficient Treatment Of Age Spots 05 2009 SöFW